
Showing posts from January, 2022

prefinal assessment

Name::T Rajesh Roll no .133 Prefinal assessment.      PAPER 2        PAPER 1

55yr old female with fever,abdominal pain

Chief complaints:: 55 yrs old female came to opd with chief complaints of FEVER since 7 days and  abdominal pain since 4 days shortness of breath since 4days. History of present illness: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 7 days back then developed fever which was insidious in onset intermittent not associated with chills and rigor relieved on medications Not associated with vomitings,loose stools Abdominal pain  which more in right upper quadrant is insidious in onset, gradually progressive initially  pain  is  in right upper quadrant now radiating towards right and back stabbing type of pain no relieving and aggrevating factors(continuous pain) Shortness of breath is insidious in onset gradually progressive grade 1-2 Routine history: Patient was a daily wage worker by occupation her daily routine was not disturbed on daily before onset of fever then abdominal pain which was severe during yesterday so admitted at hospital Past history:: No similar complaints in past No history ofDM,H