
Showing posts from November, 2021


Chief complaints:           35 yr old male came to opd with chief complaints of abdominal pain since 1week History of present illness:           Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week back then he developed abdominal PAIN(loin).  Which is insidious in onset, gradually progressive dragging type of pain,no aggrevating or relieving factors,pain radiating to back.. associated with vomiting non biliary,non projectile  Pain not associated with fever,  distention of abdomen. Past history:                    Known case of hypertension since 8yrs          Known case of ckd since 6 yrs on MHD NO H/O DM, Epilepsy, bronchial asthma ,TB H/o. CKD::        patient suffered from PEDAL OEDEMA, DECREASED URINE OUTPUT,SOB.  Previously.,,6yrs back and same symptoms 3 months back. Personal history:: Appetite:normal Diet :mixed Bowel: regular Addictions:no Treatment history:: For HTN NICARDIA 10MG od No food and drug allergies General examination:: Prior consent patient examined in a weel lit room No pa

45yr male with RASH

Chief complaints:::.           45 yr male came with complaints of Rash on Rt.and Lt.THIGH and RT.FORE ARM since 2week History of present illness::         Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 days back then he developed RASH ON both thighs and Rt fore arm.       which was not associated with fever, and initially associated with itching which relieved on medication .Rash was sudden in onset not progressed. Routine history:: Pt. Was farmer by occupation ,his routine was not disturbed before this incident he daily goes to his farms works and not  disturbed with any symptoms Past history: No similar complaints inpast  H/o. Injury to both legs previously  6months back A non healing wound was present in LT.Toe No h/o. DM,HTN,EPILEPSY,TB PERSONAL HISTORY:: diet:mixed Appetite: normal Bowel and bladder:: Regular Sleep: adequate Addictions:: occasionally alcoholic Drug history:: Not allergic to any drug No food allergies General examination:: Pri


presentation video Chief complaints:::: A 28yr old female resident of ramannagudem came to the OPD with C/0 MULTIPLE JOINT PAINS  since 2 months                                   a/w loss of appetite, and low grade fever Since 2months. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 months back Then  On missing her periods she got her UPT done which confirmed her pregnancy     Few days later she developed left foot pain initially in the early morning- burning type when pain progressed to the other side(right side).                                                                                  Then joint pains were ascending and involved knee , hip joints within 1 months, with left knee joint swelling since 15-20 days.          Wrist pain since 20 days                        Difficulty in fisting the hand since 10-15 days.mild back pain sice 15 days Fever since 1 month- evening rise of temperature on and off No cough , no loose stools,


Name:T RAJESH BATCH:2017 I've been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan. CASE DISCUSSION CHIEF COMPLAINTS:: 32 yrs male came to opd with chief complaints of        Fever since 7 days       Cough since 7 days       Headache since. 7days       Giddiness since 7days HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:: Fever was intermittent,,on and off   Aggregated.during night Associated with chills Relieved on medication  Cough. Sudden in onset Gradually progressive Non productive Headache is diffuse  Not associated with photophobia,dizziness Giddiness    is present mainly on getting up from bed Routine history  He generally wakes up morning and goes to work (construction) All the day was normal before onset of symptoms But noticed onset of fever before coming to opd w